Branding journey

Changing our name

Changing the name of the charity from the Air Training Corps General Purposes Fund to the Air Cadet Charity was the first step on our journey to transform into an independent grant making charity. The Charity had been supporting cadets for over 60 years but there was very little awareness of its existence, especially with the cadets, which is something we wanted to change.

We believe that changing the name and developing our own visual identity was vital to shaping the Charity for the future and helping others to understand what we do. It would allow us to promote wider awareness of the support we provide and create new funding opportunities to enable us to continue making a positive impact on the ​experiences available to cadets and volunteers across the nation. With this in mind, we wanted the Air Cadet Charity’s new look to be shaped by the most important people to us, the cadets!

We called for logo entries.

We wanted to see what our cadets could come up with creatively. It was important for us to include their vision and ideas in our new direction.

Over 250 cadets submitted designs

We selected a winner! Max's superb logo design took top spot.

Max then got to work.

He collaborated with leading branding agency Design Kind to develop his idea into a resolved brand identity for Air Cadet Charity.

Max developed some great branding ideas

"As a student of A Level Graphic Design, a super-curricular opportunity such as the Air Cadet Charity brand development with Design Kind is vastly beneficial; it helped me to think about colour palette and identity, consistency across the brand, and corporate design in general. Paul Cooke's guidance has seamlessly introduced me into the world of brand design."

Max Robinson

The brand successfully launched,

with elements of Max's ideas throughout and the final logo being near identical to his submitted design. Testament to how good it was!

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